Vinyasa Yoga Class w/ Douglas Johnson – 8/5/20

Here is this week’s vinyasa sequence. We work up to Eka Pada Koundinyasana II, take a deep dive on boat pose (Navasana), and work on our rotated balancing 1/2 moon (Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana).

This video is offered free of charge as a gift. If you find value in it and would like to give a gift in return, you can make a one-time Paypal or Venmo donation or become a patron on the Mahāpatha Yoga Patreon page. It’s gifts from people like you that keep this teaching alive!

For more information about me and my teaching visit:

Thank you!

Douglas Johnson E-RYT 500, YACEP

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Feb 21-23, 2025