Deborah with Covid Update – 8/4/20

One of the first things my father, who died of COVID-19, said to me after contracting the disease is, “don’t get COVID; it’s miserable!” I think Deborah confirms his experience in this video when she says that COVID is the worst illness she has ever had in her life.  

Deborah, a nurse and a member of our community, has been working on the COVID units at her hospital. You have probably seen some of the other videos she has made for our community sharing her experience as a healthcare worker on the front lines of the pandemic. Recently, she contracted COVID, and I asked her to share her personal experience with the Mahāpatha community, and she kindly agreed to do. 

I asked her to do this both to help educate the community about what it is like to contract COVID, but also to help make it more ‘real’ as many people still do not know anyone personally who has contracted the disease. 

I hope you find this information helpful, and stay safe!

-Douglas Johnson E-RYT 500, YACEP

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Feb 21-23, 2025