Being outdoors with the sun on our face and the Earth underfoot is as natural for a human being as breathing. And yet, for modern humans, it is optional and even rare. In reality, it is not optional if we want health and happiness to be a part of our human experience.

Generally, our modern lifestyle tends to strip us of everything natural, creating mental, emotional, and physical imbalances. These imbalances eventually lead to dis-ease and then to disease. Then our culture tries to sell health and happiness back to us often in the form of a pill. 

I have said it many times both before the pandemic and during it, get outside, and get your hands and feet dirty. Don’t worry; it’s safe. Everything I’ve read says that catching COVID outdoors without prolonged face-to-face exposure is slim to none, even with other people around you or passing you.

There is much we do not yet understand about the interplay between our bodies and our broader environment. In reality, our bodies and the environment are not two, but they are also not one. The Earth and, indeed, the whole universe could be said to be our bodies. 

When we cut ourselves off from the natural environment and instead substitute one that was made artificially and ignorant of what indeed leads to health and happiness, we end up in the situation we currently find ourselves. 

How can we poison the Earth and not expect that poison to end up in our bodies eventually? And we wonder why so many unexplained and new diseases are popping up. 

So get outside! Sweat. Get dirty. Walk. And garden if you have access to one. If you need an excuse, come to our next outdoor Satsanga or gathering. 

Jai Bhagwan!

-Douglas Johnson E-RYT 500, YACEP

Half-Day Retreat - Yoga, Kirtan & Community

Sun, Oct 20th