Okay, Mahāpatha Community, I need your help. I’ve gathered some spectacular Kirtan and sound-healing artists together to make a summer sound and Kirtan-focused retreat on August 14th-16th. Most of the musicians involved have a love of Kirtan and singing the holy names as well as improvising and psychedelic jam-band music.
So I have two potential titles for this event. One is the more plain Jane “Kirtan Summer Camp,” and the other is the more psychedelic “Kirtan Space Camp.” While I prefer “Kirtan Space Camp” I am concerned some people will not get the reference and get confused. However, it does pretty perfectly sum up the merging of psychedelic rock music and Kirtan that will be the basis of this retreat. So which one should I use? Which one would you click on if you were surfing Facebook or a retreat sight?
Either way, I hope you will save the date and join us for what is going to be our most musical retreat to date!